2. edycja Studia Nowe Horyzonty

Studio NOWE HORYZONTY to inicjatywa przeznaczona dla młodych profesjonalistów z branży filmowej w Polsce. Jego zadaniem jest dostarczenie młodym osobom z branży filmowej wiedzy na temat funkcjonowania międzynarodowego rynku filmowego.

Druga edycja Studia NOWE HORYZONTY odbyła się w dniach 23-26 lipca, podczas 11. MFF Nowe Horyzonty.

Warsztaty dostarczają młodym profesjonalistom wiedzy, którą rzadko mają okazję zdobyć w szkole filmowej - m.in. na temat promocji, marketingu filmowego, sprzedaży, pitchingu, networkingu, strategii festiwalowej, słowem, uczą ich właściwego podejścia do pracy i swojej kariery za granicą.

Nad tegorocznym programem studia czuwała Hayet Benkara, wieloletnia współpracowniczka festiwali w Rotterdamie, Toronto i Cannes. W program aktywnie włączona była również London Film Academy. Jako wykładowcy zaproszeni zostali doświadczeni eksperci z branży - producenci, agenci sprzedaży i programerzy festiwali, a także uznani twórcy. W tym roku byli to Ri Chakraborty (warsztaty o pitchingu), Richard Kwietniowski (zajęcia ze scenopisarstwa i reżyserii), Ivana MacKinnon (produkcja), Juliette Jansen (MFF w Rotterdamie), Anais Clanet (Wide Management), Beata Mońka (Canal+) i Hugo Viera da Silva (reżyser Body Rice i Swans). Warsztaty zakończyły się masterclassem węgierskiego mistrza Beli Tarra.

Wśród 22 uczestników znaleźli się reżyserzy, m.in. Katarzyna Rosłaniec, scenarzysci, m.in. Paweł Ferdek, a także inni młodzi producenci, operatorzy i kompozytorzy.

W tym roku, w ramach współpracy z festiwalami w Transylwanii, Lizbonie i Cinesonne w Paryżu, a także Norweskim Instytutem Filmowym w Studiu Nowe Horyzonty wzięło udział 9 osób z zagranicy.

Współorganizatorem Studia Nowe Horyzonty byli Media Desk Polska i Lodon Film Academy, a partnerem Canal+ Polska. Sponsorem wydarzenia był T-Mobile.

Więcej informacji: Jan Naszewski, jan@snh.org.pl

2. New Horizons Studio at the 11. New Horizons IFF

The second edition of the New Horizons Studio was held on 23-26 July, during the 11. New Horizons IFF in Wrocław. These workshops for young professionals give them knowledge they rarely get access to at film school. Within the Studio the participants have the opportunity to talk about promotion, film marketing, sales, pitching, networking, festival strategy and improve as professional filmmakers.

This year's programme was supervised by Hayet Benkara, who in the past has co-operated with the Rotterdam, Toronto and Cannes film festivals. Also, this year the London Film Academy partnered with the festival on the Studio. Thanks to the LFA, the event featured lectures by Ri Chakraborty (pitching), Richard Kwietniowski (writing and directing) and Ivana MacKinnon (producing).

Other acclaimed speakers included Juliette Jansen (Rotterdam IFF), Anais Clanet (Wide Management), Beata Mońka (Canal+) and Hugo Viera da Silva (Swans).

A special Masterclass was given by the Hungarian director Bela Tarr (Satan Tango, Turin Horse).

Among the 24 participants of the workshops there were directors: i.e. Katarzyna Rosłaniec and Sara Eliassen, writer-director Paweł Ferdek as well as other young producers, cameramen and composers, i.e. Antoni Komasa-Łazarkiewicz.

This year, thanks to a cooperation with the Transylvania, Lisbon and Cinessonne film festivals as well as the Norwegian Film Institute, the event hosted 10 participants from Romania, Portugal, France and Norway, among them producer Joao Figueiras (China, China) and director George Dorobantu (Elevator).

The co-organizers of the Studio was Media Desk Polska and LFA. Canal+ Polska was a partner. The main sponsor of the New Horizons Studio was T-Mobile.


Introduction to Pitching and Project Development - Seminar

In this class, the expert will explain what one should focus on when embarking on a new project. She will also talk about the essential elements of a good pitch. The participants will be able to learn pitching through practical exercises.

Speaker: Ri Chakraborty

How to promote, market and sell your film?

How do films become successful? How do they get to festivals, markets and cinemas world-wide? What kind of people can help you achieve all that? Our expert will explain when and how one should approach festivals, sales agents and distributors.

Speaker: Anaïs Clanet
Moderator: Hayet Benkara

Soft skills in film – networking, festivals and alternative distribution methods.

Advice and tips for developing your professional network successfully, optimising your presence at the festivals, making more contacts and presenting your future projects. Our expert will share her knowledge and reflections with you and teach you how to think outside the box in film.

Speaker: Hayet Benkara and Juliette Jansen

Islands And Peninsulas: Writing Cinema

Drawing on his own experience of scriptwriting, development and production, Richard Kwietniowski examines how important originality is to European screenwriting, and outlines the many challenges presented to the writer adrift in an industry where commerce and conservatism govern creativity.

Speaker: Richard Kwietniowski

Tips for Filmmakers

Starting up in the world film business can be a confusing and stressful experience. Our guests have been where you are now not so long ago and since then they’ve managed to tackle a few hurdles and shoot in Hollywood and show their films in international festivals such as Locarno and the Berlinale. At this session the two writers/directors Richard Kwietniowski and Hugo Vieira da Silva will share their recent experiences.

Speaker: Richard Kwietniowski, Hugo Vieira da Silva

What does TV expect? How to market you film efficiently?

With her vast experience in marketing and TV management, Beata Mońka will explain the workings of TV market and distribution from an insider’s perspective.

Speaker: Beata Mońka (Canal+ Polska)

Meet the Producer

The producer is one of the key people involved in a film project. Ivana MacKinnon (‘The Scouting Book for Boys’; ‘The Descent 2’; ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and guest tutor at London Film Academy) will speak about the role of the producer, and advise on how to choose your projects, collaborators, and other dos and donts of international film production. This will be an interactive session so bring your questions!

Speaker: Ivana MacKinnon
Moderator: Hayet Benkara

Bela Tarr – masterclass

Bela Tarr was born in 1955 in Pecs, Hungary. At the age of 16, he began his career as an amateur filmmaker. He also worked as a shipyard handyman and porter. In 1977, he debuted with his feature film Family Nest.

Bela Tarr became better known in the 90s, when he produced his most famous film to date – the almost eight hours-long, black and white Satan Tango. It was an enormous and possibly the most risky enterprise in the history of cinema. Tarr made a film that was impossible to distribute because it was one entity, which was supposed to be seen in one, eight hours-long go. The film was a provocation aimed at the film culture of its time.

His latest film, The Turin Horse, which won the Silver Bear - The Jury Grand Prix – at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2011, is one of the highlights of the 11. New Horizons IFF. The film will be distributed in Poland by the New Horizons Association in early 2012.

“Bela Tarr’s films remind us of the strange and beautiful potential of narrative cinema that so often lies hidden behind predictable conventions and formulas.” – Jim Jarmusch

During his masterclass, Bela Tarr will answer questions on his films and working technique. The event will be open to public with the New Horizons Studio Participants taking front row seats.

Time: Tuesday, 26 July – 3.45 pm -5.00 pm

Venue: Helios Cinema – Screen 3, 19a-21 Kazimierza Wielkiego St.

2. New Horizons Studio Speakers

Hayet Benkara

Hayet Benkara spent six years as the Manager of the Sales Office – unofficial market at the Toronto International Film Festival. Landmark festivals such as Cannes (the Producers Network), Berlin (the Co-production market), the Rotterdam International Film Festival, Abu Dhabi Film Festival and Dubai have also benefited from her expertise as an Industry Consultant and a matchmaker. Benkara created Prodigy 360, a Toronto-based company which services talented international filmmakers and explores the new technologies and platforms for storytelling.

Ri Chakraborty

Ri is a highly experienced Executive Producer and filmmaker in documentary with a wealth of experience in Specialist Factual, Observational and Factual Entertainment and digital output. She has initiated, developed and overseen several high-profile series and singles for a variety of broadcasters such Sky, Discovery, BBC, Channel 4 and Al-Jazeera including: The Psychic Life of Sally Morgan (Sky); Sleepwalker Terrors (Channel 4); The Private Life of Harley Street (BBC2) among others

Anaïs Clanet

In 2007, Anaïs Clanet became Head of Sales and Acquisitions for WIDE MANAGEMENT for fictions and documentaries; the documentary side always remained a very important part of the company which represents internationally Her name is Sabine sold in more than 20 territories theatrically and to broadcasters. With Loïc Magneron, she opened and is currently managing the documentary structure WIDE HOUSE.

WIDE HOUSE is focused on documentaries sales for all rights and is promoting and distributing internationally cultural, social and creative titles. The current highlights are A Life for Ballet & The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975.

Juliette Jansen

Juliette Jansen has a degree in Literature and Film History at the University of Utrecht. She also followed Film Studies at Paris X (Nanterre) and III (Sorbonne Nouvelle) Universities.

From 1994 until 1997 she worked as PR and Booking Manager for the Amsterdam based independent art film distributor Argus Film. She was one of the initiators of the distribution company Upstream Pictures, Amsterdam. In 1998 she started to work for the IFFR, first as the Press Officer, later as Education and Distribution Manager.

Since 2005 she is a member of the Hubert Bals Fund selection committee and a programmer of short films at the IFFR. She participated in several juries and workshops at other international film festivals. She still manages all the distribution projects for the IFFR exploring new means of distribution like VOD.

Richard Kwietniowski

His debut feature film was Anglo-Canadian co-production Love and Death on Long Island (Skyline/Imagex productions), based on his own adapted screenplay, and starring John Hurt and Jason Priestley. Its awards include the Prix Pierrot for Best European First Feature at the Cannes Film Festival, the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best First Feature, an Excellence in Film-Making award from the U.S. National Board of Review, and the Carl Foreman BAFTA for Best Newcomer in British Film. Sold worldwide, it made many Top Ten Films of the Year lists.

His second feature Owning Mahowny (Ed Pressman Productions/Alliance Atlantis), starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Minnie Driver, premiered at the Sundance and Berlin Festivals, and was released by Sony Pictures Classics in the U.S. and Momentum in the U.K. It was nominated for four Genie awards.

Anna MacDonald

Anna is responsible for LFA’s day-to-day running and business development. She is an executive producer of the short films made at LFA and handles their distribution. She has recently produced The Summer House (starring Robert Pattinson and Talulah Riley, which was no.1 on the iTunes sales charts in UK, USA and Canada and within first 10 in France and Germany on its first day). Anna has devised and masterminded special events and educational programmes at film festivals and schools worldwide.

Ivana McKinnon

Ivana was born in London in 1978. She worked freelance for numerous film companies: as a co-ordinator of the Raindance Independent Film Festival and editor of their magazine Reelscene; and as a Script Reader for Miramax, Pathe, WTII and Universal. She joined Celador Films as Story Editor in June 2002, was promoted to Development Executive in August 2004, became Head of Development in April 2005, and Head of Creative Affairs in July 2008. She was responsible for sourcing and developing new feature film projects, and worked as Associate Producer on The Descent, Eden Lake and Slumdog Millionaire.

In 2008 Ivana produced two features. ‘The Descent 2’, and ‘The Scouting Book for Boys’. Then she worked for Cloud Eight, which she left in March 2011to produce the upcoming ‘Cheerleaders 3D’. She remains attached to a number of C8 projects as Associate Producer.

Beata Mońka

Chairman of the Board, CEO Economist, Beata Mońka graduated from Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Foreign Trade Faculty, and the Swinburne University of Technology, Business Faculty, in Melbourne (Australia). Since May 2011 she has been Chairman and CEO of CANAL+ Cyfrowy. She has over 17 years of the experience in management, marketing and sales. For the last 5 years she was a Chairman and CEO of Young&Rubicam Brands – a communication group from WPP holding.

Hugo Vieira da Silva

Writer / Director. Born 1974 in Porto, Portugal. Hugo Vieira da Silva graduated from the Lisbon Film School (ESTC) in 1999. His first feature film Body Rice, produced by Paulo Branco, won several awards, most notably: the Best Director category in Buenos Aires (Bafici-2007) and Mexico (Ficco-2007), and a Special Mention of the official competition in Locarno (2006). Furthermore, the film was selected for more than 15 competitive international sections. Swans (2011), his second feature film, was selected for L’atelier - Cannes film festival 2009 and was part of the 61. Berlinale official selection (Forum). The film will be theatrically released in several countries starting this summer in Germany. Currently he lives and works in Vienna where he co-directs (with Heidi Wilm) a new feature film: Wellengang

Współorganizatorami Studia Nowe Horyzonty są: Media Desk Polska i Canal+.

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